Filmore Art Walk recap!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Oh, SF, it's always a pleasure to visit you with a business intent.I was able to post up next to Little Honey Vee, who I met at Maker Faire. Her stuff is wonderfully sweet & silly. She's one of those hard working artists who makes the time to pursue her craft while working a 9-5. Much respect. She's also an enthusiastic zumba-er.
I didn't take many photos because the light was just never in my favor. And I had to stand by in case things blew away (which happened A LOT. Why so windy, SF?!?). I also saw many wonderful folk, old friends & digital ones, so it was a sweet time. The little prints, and vintage-y frames were well received so I'm happy! Now, on to LA for the next one :)

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