On Sunday I ventured into the city with Adam to watch "Handmade Nation." It. Was. Awesome!!! Oh to geek out on the big screen! We arrived there late so the friendly ticket mister was kind and let us in for free, which gave us a free ticket into the museum too! The Yerba Buena Center for the Arts had fun exhibit called "TechnoCRAFT: Design in the Age of Individuality" which was pretty darn appropriate considering the documentary we just watched. We ran around the museum like kids in a candy store :)
best idea for a clock EVER
it's a giant maze wall!
this is Bambi, our two-mouthed monster
Afterwards, we walked from Union Square to the Castro to watch men oogle at Adam & pick up Hot Cookie cookies, specifically chocolate chip macadamia, oatmeal chocolate pecan, and chocolate fudge. Given two clues, we found Audrey at Dolores Park by the bicycles and toilets, girled-out (while Adam sketched), and waited in what was by the far the longest line I ever experienced at Bi-Rite. But it was okay. We had cookies to pass the time. Oh, and ice cream. Salted caramel & honey lavender... yum!
We met with Ravi, Niko, Joe & Alexis at Gracias Madre and oh god, the food was sooo good. Vegan Mexican food! Who knew!!
I love this photo because it was taken as Audrey told the table her blood giving/near-fainting incident yesterday. Get it up! Get it up! I can't wait to hear her podcast about it :)
The mural in Ravi & Sean's apt. So pretty!
Haha, Ravi could NOT stop talking about Antoine Dodson so we went to his place just to watch the video. Hide your kids, hide your wife.
Ravi's trying to sneak a peak.
Why Che preferred Joe over me... I'll never understand. Sooo jealous.
We left the city but continued the party train with Adam's friends, which included taking a shot and getting into a pool with my clothes on at 2am. Oh, San Jose!
Annnnd then my sissy came home today!
It feels good to have vacationed like the rest of the folk with "real" jobs.