The tags have been punched.

The plushies have been tucked away.

& it's time for YOU to throw on your springtime shoes & make your way to the
California Market Center for handmade crafts, delicious foods, a free photo booth, DIY workshops, music, & FREE DRINKS. It also happens to be Mother's Day weekend so treat your mom to a bit of handmade goodness (& FREE DRINKS!).

You can find me along the southside wall, perfectly located on your walk from the free drinks booth to the cafe ;). Just keep going past the FREE DRINKS & look for the plush letters greeting you! I'll be debuting my NEW narwhal tote bags & narwhal plush, & vending alongside over 300 talented artists, designers & crafters.
The 3rd Annual Unique LA Spring ShowMay 7th + 8th, 2011 (11am – 6pm both days)
California Market Center’s Penthouse (110 E 9th St –
Map It)
$10 at the door or in advance (kids 12 and under are free)
I can't tell you enough how thrilled I am to see & meet you this weekend :)