Road Trip USA: Day 3

Friday, July 02, 2010

Arizona - Utah - Nevada - California
longest. day. ever.

This is where we found ourselves at the crack of dawn... random park behind a golf course, surrounded by canyons at the edge of town.
I surprisingly slept well enough. Armed with our breakfast:
We drove like whoa to make it to Yosemite for the evening.
But first...
Grand Canyon!!
(you can see a little bit of the Canyon on the left, haha)

At the Grand Canyon lodge, James & I managed to convince our server that I was 15 years old so I could be eligible for the little bandit's breakfast buffet. Yeaaah 6 bucks instead of 12!
This tree made me very happy.
So did this little girl, who plopped herself down to draw the grand canyon.
Just as soon as we arrived to hike around the GC, we peaced out...
Mooooooooo-ve over cowboy!
Oh, dirt roads through Zion national park. How much joy you brought to James.
I kept myself occupied well enough.
Extraterrestrial Highway, Nevada... the longest 150-mile stretch of nothing. We came across 5 cars altogether & all traveling in the opposite direction. We were chasing the sun, hoping to get out of the mountains before nightfall. We lost that battle but just when we thought we couldn't take any more dull landscape that is Nevada, we reached California! HOME!
(this is from day 4 just to give you a taste of CA :)
By the way, California wins for best starry sky. It totally competes with the starry skies of the Philippines. We took a driving break to lay out on the hood of the car and stargaze. Pretty amazing. You can see the mists of galaxies and the depth/dimensions of the stars. Around midnight, we finally reached Yosemite National Park. We then snuck into a "full" campsite in the park, set up our tent by the light of our headlights, and knocked out. Longest. Day. Ever. And by longest, I mean most epic.

That is... until Day 4.

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