Work Day at the Beach: Progress on the Life-Size Doggy

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I was supposed to go to SF Saturday to see friends and eat delicious food, but I stayed behind to be responsible and work on the custom order dog. This change of plans turned out to be an awesome decision. Adam suggested the beach since it'd be gorgeous out, so off we went to Capitola.

My aunt gave me a mini sewing machine she inherited from her husband's great aunt. Not only is it mini, it's battery operated. It even has a foot pedal! I'd declare it a win except for the fact that I couldn't get it to work... wah wah. So it just stood there looking cute.
Having Adam around was helpful as he also thinks in the third dimension. We nerdily discussed how to approach construction of the head. I didn't quite figure it out until we serendipitously stumbled upon a neighborhood build-a-bear. The salesperson was soooo helpful, handing me unstuffed dogs and bears to examine and flip inside-out. Universe, you're so cool.
It's a fish umbrella!!
This picture is so special I can't believe its real!
Guess which drawing in the sand is mine!
We grabbed ice cream, headed back to the car, found a parking ticket (bahh!) and headed home to have dinner with my parents except that it wasn't actually with them. They had eaten already. So silly. I tried very hard to just relax for the rest of the night while with Adam's friends, but dang, work kept creeping up. So, I bounced because work was on the brain and sewed until 2am. Mission accomplished.
look at those legs!

Now, I'm going to rock the bells... of course I'm going to sew. There's something very entertaining & special about sewing a giant dog while snoop dogg is on stage. Just me?

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