The Couches of NYC: Manolo

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Usually my time in NYC is gobbled up before I even know it (like Bruce with his food lever teehee), so to make sure I saw certain people I requested a couple days on their couch. I also just in general need places to sleep but besides that, it's the best kind of hanging out doesn't require going out & spending money :). I'm staying with a variety of people from artist, Kevin's parents to financial analyst guy, in different parts of New York (& New Jersey!) from Bushwick, LES to gorgeous condo in Chelsea. So I thought I'd document their living quarters!

Here's day 1 & 2 at Manolo's
Whether visible or not, his art all over the walls. Even in the bathroom!
I thought it said poggi which means 'handsome' in tagalog (he's filipino too!) but it actually says 'Russian' in russian, with Russian characters. Good color scheme on this wall :)

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