My last day at 26

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I spent the afternoon (3+ hours) at LACMA exploring the Tim Burton Exhibit. So so good. I got teary-eyed when I saw all the Vincent stuff. These art/animation exhibits always get to me here. I was tremendously inspired by his humor and work unrelated to his movies. I loved his number series so much I could eat it up! I purchased his book of illustrated poems, "The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories" and sat outside for a couple hours to churn out some Burton-inspired pieces.


amyy said...

I love the snake/tin can piece! Happy birthday Genevieve! :)

Unicorn Crafts said...

your art is as inspiring as mr. burton's! true story.
thanks for the link; too kind.

genevieve said...

thank you lovely ladies :)

@faheema, of course! it's too cute. I wear the necklace all the time :)

Unicorn Crafts said...

i need a photo of you rockin' the necklace!

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