2013: A Year of Travel & Renewal

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I have yet to share my 2013 intentions because I didn't have any until an hour ago. I've been rushing around (doing a lot of nothing, which someone once told me I do a lot of). Of course I don't mean literally, but I do tend to stress myself out, running around doing work without really enjoying or being aware of the work I'm doing. Now I can sit down and really think about what 2012 meant to me, and how it will inspire a different, new year.

My personal goal for 2013 is to "have an adventure." This means traveling, trying new things, discovering new abilities and traits about myself. With the itinerary I've planned for myself, I think I can do it.

Business-wise, I find myself in a different position where growth doesn't mean doing more of something or making more of something. It means restructuring and redoing a lot of things I've been lazy about doing. It comes at a perfect time as I think my intention of adventure has pushed me to think outside of numbers and sales, and approach my business more abstractly and big picture. So, my 2013 business intention is "renewal." This means new website, refining my brand, new product photos, and sadly, retiring old prints and cards to make way for new ones.

The first four years were to prove I could make a living doing "art." Now that I know it's possible, it's time to find a way to do it more efficiently, in a way that minimizes stress, and maximizes happiness (mine and yours!) and creativity. I do think there's a correlation between happiness and productivity, so if all goes according to plan, expect sweeter, more refined art in the months and years to come.

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